Our production in Auto insurance is up 38.43% and Fire is 31.95%. Our Raw new Auto is up 140.4%.
Auto Sales Process
The thought behind our Auto Sales Process
At the end of the day, it’s all about better protecting clients against what can go wrong so they can plan ahead for what can go right. And one of the most common financial mistakes people make in financial planning is not having adequate insurance plan. So instead of having their insurance plan pay for a financial devastation, they end up taking money out of their retirement to recover from the loss. In our business, we often hear this saying, “The biggest door into a household is the garage door.” Let’s think about that. If you don’t have the right auto conversation, you won’t go any further than the garage.
But if you get your foot in that garage door, you can properly discuss auto coverage along with value of our company, value of agency, and value of the agent, which leads to properly getting into the house and holistically protecting the family.
When you position yourself to talk about car insurance properly, the entire picture becomes more efficient, more rewarding, and multi-lining becomes part of what you talk about.
Think of the process this way: a solid auto conversation leads to more umbrella sales and more umbrella sales lead to more life insurance conversations. Lack of production isn’t the issue, the real issue is not being the insurance advisor clients need you to be. And when you have the right conversations, strong sales numbers become the result of how you serve customers.